10 Ways To Live A Happy Life

planting the harvest

There is something grand and majestic about stillness, the inner peace and clarity fuels your mind, body and spirit of absolute oneness.

In some of my presentations I speak about the shooter and the farmer, the shooter comes out guns blazing with no forethought about what he really wants to accomplish or whom he wants to shoot. So he shoots everything he sees. The farmer on the other hand knows exactly what he wants to do, he knows when to plant, when to water, when to let it be and when to harvest. Everyone goes through times in their life and business where they need to spend time within, when they need to ground themselves, when they need to blossom and when they’re ready to spread their wings and soar…

1. Find your own path, one that works for you.

2. Find your flow and how you do that is simply by doing what feels good.

3. Ditch the ego because it’s superficial, it doesn’t serve you and you’re only going to attract more people like you.

4. Have the courage to own the skin you’re in and be yourself…unapologetically.

5. Imagination unlocks the secrets to divine possibility and it’s readily available to everybody.

6. Give thanks and be in a constant state of gratitude for everything you have and everything you are.

7. Vulnerability is such a beautiful thing and it’s one we should embrace for it allows us to feel…

8. Make a conscious decision to contribute to everyone that comes your way, smile.

9. Listen to your body because it always gives you the answers.

10. Don’t wait for something extreme to happen to live your life and express yourself, it may be to late.


Walk with me; it’s through my eyes you will find yours.